Saturday 22 October 2016

Women of accomplishment

Daily Draw: The Golden Tarot, The Visconti Sforza Deck, Three of Cups

In RWS inspired decks this card depicts three women joyful dance. Celebration, Creativity, Community. 

First things first. Community - I have neglected my tiny (but lovely) following of fellow bloggers (and women of accomplishment) this week - busy with work and AWOL for a whole week. Sorry :(. 

Creativity - lots of exchange with colleagues and students this week which has been hugely productive. Feeling much more excited about work now - not least because we are embedding gender across all management learning materials - speaks to colleagues interests and is better engaging learners - Woohoo. All. Round. Result. 

Celebration - through dialogue I learnt about an exhibition Women in Print - which celebrates the work of 22 iconic women (reformers, writers, artists, scientists) who changed Manchester and in some cases changed the course of British history.  Follow the link and enjoy :) 


  1. It's nice to have "tribes" in different places we can connect with. Glad your work tribe has been an inspiring group!

  2. I have been mourning loss of contact (no time to go to conferences etc) with my research tribe at other universities. This week has taught me I can form my own tribe right where I am. Or perhaps it was always already there?

    Thanks for dropping by. I have a full week of your posts to catch up on - looking forward to my Sunday reading : )

  3. Never apologize for living your life. I am glad to hear you can "dance" with your colleagues :)

  4. Ah thank you Ellen! Sharyns last comments gave me a kick up the butt reminding me I like blogging too. WIth my excellent female colleagues everything feeling quite waltzy at work this week. There may be a few Argentine tangos ahead but maintaining the blog will hopefully be peace giving.

  5. Well if you keep in mind the world revolves around me, you'll be fine. Now off to follow your link
