Sunday, 4 June 2017

Sun, moon, truth

Daily Draw: Spiritual Buddhist Cards, Sun, Moon, Truth

With eyes downcast this struck me as a sombre face but perhaps I am wrong. Reflexive philosophy alerts us that we view the world through lenses and filters which are the product of position and experiences within it. Putting reflexivity into action means both unsettling those assumptions including by considering alternative perspectives. 

With that in mind other interpretations of the card and verse are very welcome today.  

Three things cannot be
long hidden:
the sun, the moon, 
and the truth. 

- attrib Guatama Buddha


  1. Truth is truth, whether accepted or not. Seeing reality for what it is, without clinging to what we like and pretending not to see what we consider awful, is to be awakened in Buddhism. Most people want a religion that gives them comfort, not raw reality. Yet learning not to grasp or turn away is what lessens our suffering (which seems paradoxical).

    1. I know so little about Buddhism but what little I know seems so completely different to the main world religions. My sense is that it may appear very simple but putting into practice is really difficult.

    2. I think it is difficult because it is so different from what seems normal to us. :) I know I'll never 'have it.' :D
      Wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your country. Hope your government doesn't allow the comb-over cantaloupe in for a visit, as I'm sure he will be pushing his own agenda.

  2. If a sombre expression is what you glean than that is the correct interpretation for this card at this time. They say the eyes are the mirror of our souls. I work in direct sales so eye contact is a necessity. There are times when I have bouts of depression and I can always tell because I cannot look others directly in the eye. I have read The Dalai Lama softens and focuses his gaze slightly downward in meditation. With the myriad of colors flashing across the face seems to indicate a time of reflection of some overwhelming emotion(s).

    1. Insightful comment thank you. I like your interpretation of the myriad colours signifying emotion.

  3. could also be a refusal to see. or a refusal to commit.
