Saturday, 18 November 2017

Mind and matter

Today's Draw: The Goddess Tarot, Magic/The Magician

Here the Goddess Isis appears without the usual ceremonial tools suggesting hers is a very simple yet extremely powerful practice. The headdress and hawk hint at mind magic. Using intellect to bring about a change. 

Yet there is also creativity here - the magic she works with her left hand. The wall paintings and the Goddess's golden gown (illumination) signal there is more than just words making up the world, things matter too. 

The hawk and hieroglyphics tell me that to have magical day I need to work with a balance of visual and textual sources. Although, like the card, my study room is warm and cosy it will be good to go for a walk this crisp November day. 

Wishing all a magical Saturday! 


  1. Your card reminds me of all the tools I have that I can ignore or use to transform my day. Thanks for the reminder - hope your day is full of magic too!

    1. Morning! I love this comment. We have everything we need to make a good day of it.

  2. moving the little chickens to their new house in a few minutes. They are dozy in dark, way easier to handle :)

    1. Sounds like a gentle way to move house. I'm sure they'll be pleased with their new abode :)
