I'm convinced there's some significance in his choice of church and date. At first I thought of the charitable practice of leaving gifts of food and lighting fires by graves to warm the bones of the dead who were thought to rise on night prior to the feast of All Souls. Perhaps Luther expected an audience? Dismissed. By this time the Catholic church had clamped down on such 'superstitious' practices.
Nevertheless the souls of departed loved ones would be on peoples minds at this time. I think the significance has more to do with Luther's objection to the sale of indulgences. These were spiritual IOU's which promised an accelerated passage from purgatory to heaven which the church was selling to raise money for building projects.
It's just a theory which I can't prove. Got me thinking of my Dad. At one time he'd have been interested in the mystery. In his later years his brilliant mind was diminished by years of alcohol abuse. Beautiful manners and social graces gave way to coarseness. 'Humour' became a rant of expletives. I remember one about Protestants 'squatting' in his church...He was angry up until the day he died (I think I am a bit angry too). I had a dream last night about him organising his send off in a pub called the Ship of Air. Perhaps he's moved on and I should too. I don't want to die angry.
I can relate to being angry. Angry because I am disappointed about how some things in my life have turned out and the impact of all of this, I am angry and I don't know how to express it, talk about it or show it, because I have to be the good wife and the good daughter. Years of manipulations can have that effect on you. Maybe acknowledging this anger is the first step towards letting go and to make room for real peace.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you for sharing this my friend 'sobs' It is so hard to express disappointment and anger but suppressing it doesn't make it go away...thank you for helping me to feel 'normal'
DeleteIt amazes me the heavy stones of cruelty that families can place on the hearts of those they're supposed to love. Between an absent father and an abusive stepdad, I had enough anger to power a city. I discovered that even if they die, it still burns bright. The last few years I've been working on putting out that fire, as I seem to be the only one it burns. (((L)))
ReplyDeleteYou're right I about that fire. I need to work on putting it out too. Thanks for sharing your experience it helps to know I'm not going to extinguish it in a day...sending you hugs too.
DeleteWith this deck you are working with, I notice what seems to be a conflict. You have mentioned your Catholic upbringing and other Religious practices in most of your posts with these draws that on the surface would be in opposition to this deck with witches and a Pagan theme. The other day on one of my posts you mentioned a past life that you took vows of obedience. I think this deck is really opening a door for you. Delete this if I have stepped over a line.
ReplyDeleteI would never delete your comments! (although I may archive this post one day). You offer such thoughtful insights. You're right this deck does seem to be prompting thoughts about the sacred and about belief. I don't yet have a language with which to express that so defaulting to early experiences plus what I studied at university. Your comment reminds me I could just as easily have written something academic about witchcraft and paganism. Perhaps the reason I haven't is because I can sense something glimmering and don't want to destroy the magic. So yes maybe a door is opening...
DeleteBy some accounts over a Hundred Million people, mostly women were killed, murdered, and slaughtered during the dark days of the the Inquisition. I think that most of us that work in the healing arts, tarot, oracles and such were some of those who suffered, so we speak and move with caution. Those days hopefully are soon behind us.
DeleteHopefully...I know that in some small rural communities people known for their interest in tarot etc still get a rally hard time.
DeleteUs? step over? Never in life :)
ReplyDeleteDía de Muertos is one more holiday to decorate with here.
We are going to get the doors and siding for the chicken house Rob is building in a bit. I'll take my phone and show you the halloween decor for sale. Luthur is probably rolling in his grave.
I spent a year in black rage. By the time I was ready to work at letting it go it was too late. I firmly believe I gave myself breast cancer. You can't let go of something over night, you have to work on it every day in an opposite manner. Groom is an awful word anymore, but I groomed myself into forgetting.
I am glad you pulled yourself from the abyss and are among us twinning souls.
DeleteSharyn - chuckling at part 1 sending you hugs for part 2
DeleteCarolyn - me too our little group is a gift. Thanks Sharyn for bringing us together :)