Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Two become one

Those keys and the crossed fingers raised a wry smile this morning. We have a new wifi radio and I was expecting set up to cause a day of dreaded password pandemonium. When one new account triggers a reaction through all the other ones and before long you have no idea what you're logging in or out of. Or maybe that's just me?

K has long believed instruction manuals to be an unnecessary distraction. I read them cover to cover (to the point I don't dare press a button at all). 

Yet we are changing in our old age....K diligently reading, me impatiently prodding and poking, him tutting. 

We got it working! Which is a very good thing as I've already thrown out the receipt and guarantee. That use to be K's department too.


  1. Heehee, I'm a "lay out all the parts" and a "read all the instructions, step by step" person. I tell my husband that is one reason he married me. He has not patience for that kind of thing. My frustration comes when I follow directions and things don't work the way they're supposed to. :D Glad you go it working!

    1. Ha! I think our hubbys are similar creatures. When I met K I was intrigued to know how he’d made it to 35 and done perfectly well in life without ever reading any instructions.

  2. Our posts are on the same track. Me I don't like the assembly required items. I don't have patience for directions so I either mess it up and then hire or ask someone to fix up my mess, or now a-days I just get someone else to do it from the get-go.

    1. Sadly just about everything now requires some assembly or set up at home. I’m with you - hurl in a room with someone paid to sort it out...
