Thursday 29 September 2016

All things to all people

Daily Draw: The Wizards Tarot, The Hierophant

Neither horse nor man. Neither Fish nor Foul. Being all things to all people and no one to yourself. How many times do I have does life have to deliver this lesson before I learn it?


  1. Women, I think, are asked by society to do the impossible. Be attractive, but not slutty. Be smart, but not a bitchy know-it-all. The list is endless.

  2. Thank you! Great comment. You always make et think.

    Just been in an important meeting today with six men and two women. We all (possibly the women more so) contributed well. And at the end the men all shook hands. No hand offered to me or my female colleague. It is so 'natural' these senior individuals don't even realising they are discriminating

    1. Gurrr. Seems like you could turn this (man horse?) into a history lesson about men and hubris

    2. Ah yes hubris. The thought of those men in the meeting sitting there with horse legs in their trousers made me giggle. I haven't done a history post in a while. I'll have a go this weekend

  3. I despise men like that. They bring out the worst in me!

  4. I have worked in banking, civil service, the arts and retail. Higher education, supposedly the seat of enlightened thinking is the worst for it. So endemic if I got cross every time it happened I'd be in a permenant rage! I know that at its root misogyny is fear but it still hurts. On the upside I am teaching about equality over the next few weeks and this generation does seem to 'get it' I am ever hopeful :)
