Daily Draw: Margarete Petersen Tarot, The High Priestess
In the LWB Margerete Petersen writes that the major arcana wasn't painted in chronological order. Instead the cards chose her through 'dreams in random sequence'. Having had three vivid dreams myself last night this intrigued me prompting me to select this deck for the week.
Then High Priestess pops up...The link to the subconscious mind who asks us to pay attention to dreams and intuition.
The three moons in this card remind me of my night dreams. One about finding a beautiful book of tarot cards where the interpretations took the forms of stories (and cooked food), the other less well remembered about packing, exodus and travelling with tigers and one in between which I don't recall at all other than it seemed highly illuminating when I woke from it.
The pearl on the left below the faintest moon reminds me that not all can be accessed through the conscious rational mind and accessing the far off subconscious takes effort. I might keep a dream journal this week...
For some she came in a dream. For others in words as clear as a bell: it is time, I am here. She may come in a whisper so loud she can deafen you or a shout so quiet you strain to hear. She may appear in the waves or the face of the moon, in a red goddess or a crow.
Lucy, H Pearce,
Such a beautiful deck - I look forward to you using it. I am impressed at the details you can remember from your dreams. Usually I don't recall much from mine unless they are terrifying. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't usually! Was a bit disappointed this morning I could only remember one card and the more I e tried the more that image has faded. Such is the mind :)
DeleteThis was my 3rd or 4th deck and far too advanced for me at that stage in my tarot journey. So will be interesting to see what I can do with it now...
I came to tarot seeking definitive answers and so didn't like the high priestess at all. A year on I am starting to appreciate her which is progress :)
What an intriguing High Priestess. Individual and unique like the one that Sharyn had a couple of days ago. The card image has a feel of catacombs shaped by the seas that move with rhythms of the Moon.
ReplyDeleteOoh catacombs...I didn't spot that but yes it does. Fits very well with the idea of looking inwards and maybe also outwards?
DeleteI trust my dreams about as far as I can throw them.
DeleteGiven my present location I can't see myself walking with big cats anytime soon. Might have been the HP from the wild unknown strolling through my mind..
I don't recall mine dreams either, only if they are about chaotic events like this night I had to move house for several people at once and I forgot to label the boxes...
ReplyDeleteI will be looking forward to see more of this deck in action. I have been on the fence fro this one. It is still available in The Netherlands but it is rather expensive
Oh gosh hope my work lives up to expectations and honours Pertersen's artwork! One of the controversies about this work is that the majors and minors are rendered in very different styles almost like two separate decks.
ReplyDeleteI think I paid around £25 on amazon uk which I thought was fair for a fine art deck...